Earthwork 4D can import CAD dxf/dwg files and use the data to create a take off. CAD files come from many sources and have many variations.
If you have been given a CAD file you can try to read it directly into Earthwork 4D. Often this is the only step needed and the remainder of this section can be ignored. If you are given a CAD file that is not working correctly, the chart below and instructions that follow may be useful in getting usable CAD data.
Symptom |
Problem |
Solution |
Some, or all the data is missing when importing a DWG File.
The file contains Xref data, but the Xref file is not present in the current directory.
Data appears as two widely spaced dots or not at all, when importing a DWG File.
The DXF File was exported in Paper-Space.
Have the supplier of the DXF file re-export the file in Model-Space.
Data file is too large (12 times too large).
The CAD drawing was done in Architectural scale. |
Re-import the file and check Architectural Units under the CAD_Transfer_Units under the Data Transfer menu.
Stretch the job using Transform Job>Stretch_Site from the Utility menu in Edit Mode. Use a Scale factor or 0.083333. |