Translate North/East

This command is used to move data to another coordinate system. There are two ways to move data, either Whole Job or Selected Lines.

Whole Job

  • Press the ESC key on the keyboard to deselect all data.

  • Select the Utility Menu and select Transform Job > Translate North/East.

  • Pick the FIRST point indicating what data you want to move. The Translate North/East window displays.

  • Either type in the To coordinates or use the Use Next Point Entered option. If you use the second option, select a SECOND point indicating where you want to move this data to. Using the second option also displays the Translate North/East window again for verification of the second point.

  • Press OK to continue. The Translating Site window displays.

  • This window displays the distance the data will be moved. Press OK to move the data or Cancel to abort the command.



Selected Data

  • Highlight the data you wish to move. Also see: Selecting_Data

  • Select the Utility menu and select Transform Job > Translate North/East. The Transformation Selection window displays.

  • At this point, you can decide to use only the selected data or move the whole job. Press OK to continue.

  • Pick the FIRST point indicating what data you want to move. The Translate North/East window displays.

  • Either type in the To coordinates or use the Use Next Point Entered option. If you use the second option, select a SECOND point indicating where you want to move this data to. Using the second option also displays the Translate North/East window again for verification of the second point.

  • Press OK to continue. The Translating Site window displays.

  • This window displays the distance the data will be moved. Press OK to move the data or Cancel to abort the command.