Apply Trench

   The Apply Trench utility is used to create a 3D surface of the Underground Pipe and Lateral structures. The trench will use the parameters established when creating the structures. You may select specific runs of pipe or choose All Displayed Pipes.



The Select Trench Surface window is used to select the desired surfaces for daylighting and outputting the trench surface.



Daylight Surfaces

Defines the surfaces to be used to daylight the trench template

Output Surface

Defines the surface the data lines will be applied.

New Surface

Used to create a new surface for the applied trenches

Stage Lines

This option will stage the data into the Output Surface.  This option may not be changed

Points Every

Check this box to add points at a selected distance


Enter the desired distance between points in feet or meters


Click to accept all changes.


Cancels applying the trench


If New Surface is selected, enter the name and color for the new surface.


Click OK and the trenches will be applied and the surface will be created.