The Materials Vector PDF Guide

The Materials Vector PDF Guide is designed to assist data entry from a PDF file. Press Guide on the menu bar and select Vector PDF to display the Vector PDF Guide. Press the G key on the keyboard to activate the guide after selecting the desired guide. The suggested data entry sequence is listed from top to bottom on the list. Below is an explanation of the commands on the PDF Entry Guide.



Name Job

Video Lesson

Entry of job name, builder and data. Units of measure is only available on a new job.




Import PDF File


Import the desired PDF file.




Scale Drawing


  Used to scale the PDF drawing.




Vectorize Image


  Used to generate vector data from a vector PDF file.




Transfer Data


  Keeps you in Import mode to transfer data




Assign Structures


  Switches to Edit mode




Enter Structures


  Switches to Entry mode




View Reports


  Displays the Report View




Export KMZ File


  Exports the KMZ file for viewing on Google Earth and using in the field with SmartPlan.


Save File


  Saves the job file




Exit Program


  Exits the program. If job has changed since last save, you are prompted to save the job before exiting.