The Over-Ex Guide

Video Links: Over-Ex Guide Erosion Control, Over-Ex Guide Building


The Over-Ex Guide is designed to assist data entry for over-excavating a surface. In Edit mode, select the Guide menu and select Over-Ex.  In Entry mode, click the Ov-Ex icon on the toolbar to activate the guide. The data entry sequence is listed from top to bottom on the list. Below is an explanation of the commands on the Over-Ex Guide.



Create New Surface

Creates a new surface which will contain the finished over-excavated surface data. The surface will be named Over-Ex.

Enter Over-Ex Data

Enter the desired data or copy and paste the data from another surface.

Enter Staging Perimeters

Enter a perimeter line around the limits of excavation.

Review Graphics

Switches to 3D View Mode. Verify the Over-Ex surface is correct.

Stage Over-Ex

Stages the Over-Ex data into the original surface. (i.e. Stripped, Subgrade).

Compute Volumes

Calculates the volumes.