Video Links: Stockpile Guide
The Stockpile Guide is designed to assist data entry for calculating the volumes of a stockpile. In Edit mode, select the Guide menu and select Stockpile. The data entry sequence is listed from top to bottom on the list. Below is an explanation of the commands on the Stockpile Guide.
Name Job |
Entry of job name, builder and data. Units of measure is only available on a new job. |
Import Stockpile Data |
Import the data for the stockpile. The data may imported from several different formats (CSV, LAS, LAZ, DWG) |
Transfer Data |
Transfer the data to the Existing surface |
Import Background Image |
Import the background image if provided. This step is optional. |
Enter Existing Perimeter |
Enter a perimeter around the extents of the data, making sure to include the limits of the stockpile. |
Enter Design Perimeter |
Enter a perimeter around the base of the stockpile. |
Review Graphics |
Switches to 3D View Mode. Verify the 3D surface model of the stockpile is correct. |
Compute Volumes |
Calculates the volumes. |