Underground Edit and Entry Mode Window Descriptions

For the most part, Edit Mode and Entry Mode have similar screen appearances. Typing E on the keyboard toggles between these two mode. Below is a general description of attributes found on these screens.

Edit Mode


Report Dialog

The Report Dialog window displays on the left side of the screen. The Report Dialog may also be undocked and moved to a different location..See Also: Materials Report.


The Planview displays all Materials structures, along with the PDF image and Gradework data.

Selection Toolbar

The toolbar allows you to switch to different modes, print, save files, and displays the currently active surface and the layer. Also see: Selection_Toolbar.

Utility Toolbar

The displayed functions on the Utility Toolbar change according to which mode you are in.  Also see: Utility_Toolbar



Terrain is the three-dimensional representation of a surface’s data lines. Typing T on the keyboard toggles the display of the terrain. The terrain is not visible in Entry Mode.


Entry Mode



The Planview displays all Materials structures, along with the PDF image and Gradework data. The Report window will not display in Entry mode by default.  The Report window may be displayed by clicking the Enable Report Dialog button.