Cut-Fill Options

Video Links: Cut/Fill Spacing

In Planview Mode, there are several options which allow you to determine what information is displayed on the cut/fill label and where the labels are located. Below is an example of the cut/fill label.

Elevation at Reference Surface

Cut/Fill amount between Reference and Difference.

Elevation at Difference Surface


The Options below are available under the View Menu in Planview Mode


Cut Fill Values

Toggles the display of the Cut Fill Labels.




Cut Fill Elevations

Toggles the display of the Cut and Fill elevations on the Labels. When checked, displays cut/fill elevations and difference. When not checked, displays on the difference.




Default Cut-Fill Spacing

Spaces the cut-fill labels using a default spacing which changes the distance between labels depending on zoom level.




Fixed Cut-Fill Spacing

Allows you to change the spacing of the grid on which the labels are located. When selected, the Edit Fixed Cut-Fill Spacing window displays.


Type in the distance and press OK.




User Cut Fill Locations

The User Cut Fill Locations option allows the user to enter locations manually for specific cut/fill locations to display. User locations are entered in Entry Mode in the Cut/Fill Layer of the Design Surface.