Over-Excavation is a common practice on building sites before grading
to subgrade. This program allows the user to calculate the volumes of
the over-excavation by creating a new surface at the over-ex grades and
comparing it to the existing ground.
Below is an example using the Over-Ex Guide with Lesson5.esw file, which
was installed with the program. It should give a general idea of how to
figure the over-excavation quantities.
Select the first item on the guide, Create New Surface, using
the Left Mouse button. The Create New Surface window displays
with Current as the default name. Enter the desired name.
Press OK to continue.
The screen switches to the new Surface.
Press the Over-Ex
button to displays the guide and select Copy
OG into New Surface. You will have the option to select
Existing or Stripped if the file contains stripping regions.
The existing ground data displays in the Data Lines Layer
of the Current Surface.
Press the Over-Ex button and choose Create Over-Ex Surface from
the guide. The Over-Ex surface displays with no data.
Display the Over-Ex guide and select Enter Over-Ex Data. For
this part, we will be using the pad on the left side of the
Switch back to the Over-Ex
surface and Paste
the data using either Ctrl-V
or choose Edit>Paste
from the menu.
From the Over-Ex surface, Select the pad line
and press the Offset Line
button or type Ctrl-O
Run an Offset Line outside the pad 5
feet at 0% slope.
Press the View button
to view the line and make sure it is on the outside
of the pad. Press Apply
to add the line, and Close
to close the Offset Line Editor.
The pad line remains selected. We don’t need
this line anymore, so press the Delete
button to remove the pad line from the Over-Ex Surface.
Select the 5 foot offset line and choose Edit>Raise/Lower from
the menu.
Type 8 in the Lower Elevation textbox and
press OK. This lowers
the offset line from the pad to the over-excavation level.
With the line selected, press the Offset
Line button. This time we want to run an offset line
to daylight at 2:1
Check the Day Light checkbox. Type in 2:1 or 50
in the Start of Line Slope % textbox. Press the View
button to view the line and make sure it is on the Outside
of the pad, Apply to add the line, and Close to close the
Offset Line Editor. The screen should look like the one below.
Switch to Entry
Mode. Press the Over-Ex
button to display the guide and choose Enter
Staging Areas.
The Layer Menu switches to Stage Areas. Place
the arrow over the offset sloping to daylight line and press
F8 twice to area snap
the stage area to the line. Press the Right
Mouse button twice; once to end snap and another to
end data entry.
Display the Over-Ex guide and choose the last
item, Stage Over-Ex.
The screen switches to Edit Mode displaying the staged data.
With Current and Existing selected as the
surfaces to compare, press the Calc
Volume button to calculate the volume of the over-excavation
area. The results display in the Volume Calculation Report
pop-up. To view the full report, switch to the Volume
Report Mode.