Translate North/East

Video Links:   Aligining PDF Takeoff to CAD Data

This command is used to move data to another coordinate system. There are two ways to move data, either Whole Job or Selected Lines.

Whole Job

  • Press the ESC key on the keyboard to deselect all data.

  • Select the Utility Menu and select Transform Job > Translate North/East.

  • Pick the FIRST point indicating what data you want to move. The Translate North/East window displays.

  • Either type in the To coordinates or use the Use Next Point Entered option. If you use the second option, select a SECOND point indicating where you want to move this data to. Using the second option also displays the Translate North/East window again for verification of the second point.

  • Press OK to continue. The Translating Site window displays.

  • This window displays the distance the data will be moved. Press OK to move the data or Cancel to abort the command.



Selected Data

  • Highlight the data you wish to move. Also see: Selecting_Data

  • Select the Utility menu and select Transform Job > Translate North/East. The Transformation Selection window displays.

  • At this point, you can decide to use only the selected data or move the whole job. Press OK to continue.

  • Pick the FIRST point indicating what data you want to move. The Translate North/East window displays.

  • Either type in the To coordinates or use the Use Next Point Entered option. If you use the second option, select a SECOND point indicating where you want to move this data to. Using the second option also displays the Translate North/East window again for verification of the second point.

  • Press OK to continue. The Translating Site window displays.

  • This window displays the distance the data will be moved. Press OK to move the data or Cancel to abort the command.