The definition of the numbers in the report are self-explanatory under each heading of the report. The Slope Area measured applies the sloping surface area to achieve a more accurate representation of the 3D surface. Vertical slopes, such as the face of curb, are not taken into consideration when calculating this sloped surface area.
Anytime the existing or design surface is modified, the previous volume report becomes invalid and that option to view the report is unavailable until the volumes are calculated again. To calculate the volumes, switch to the 3D View, verify the Volume Area to calculate, and calculate the volumes. The volume reports are only included as part of the ESW file when no geometry changes have been made to the after the volume calculation.
The Reference and Difference Surfaces
Different volumes can be calculated be changing which surfaces are being compared. In the example above, the Subgrade (Reference or Ref) is compared to the Existing (Difference or Diff) surface. If you wanted to know how much stripping there was on a job, simply change the Reference to Stripped and the Difference to Existing. The volume of Cut on the Volume Report is the stripping volume. The amount of dirt cut/filled by a Sectional Area(s) can be calculated in a similar method by using the Subgrade as the Ref and the Design as the Diff.