Earthwork Software for Winning Bids and Profitable Work

Expedite accurate takeoffs for a winning bid, speed-up machine control modeling to get jobs started, simplify drone surveys to track progress, and log machine motion to monitor efficiency.

earthwork software
earthworks estimating software


Gradework simplifies and expedites the takeoff process, empowering you to bid more effectively and win more work in the competitive construction industry.

civil construction estimating software


Materials is a graphical on-screen takeoff system for contractors that combines intuitive data entry with flexible reporting and integration with your Gradework dirt takeoff to speed your estimates of construction materials.

underground civil construction estimating software


Underground combines intuitive data entry from CAD or PDFs with flexible reporting to speed up your estimates of storm, sewer, water, and other underground utilities. It works with Gradework to ensure you never enter data twice and can visualize and calculate trench volumes against any surface in your model.

earthworks estimating software


Highway imports DOT survey and design files and creates a 3D representation of your job that can be readily partitioned into the construction phasing required for traffic control and analyzed as an interactive mass diagram that identifies balance intervals, optimizes locations for borrow and spoil, and calculates haul slopes and differentiates dozer, scraper and truck dirt.

Reveal earthworks software


Leveraging advanced AI technology, REVEAL intelligently classifies and eliminates unnecessary elements from the data, resulting in a clean and accurate dataset that’s prepared rapidly and effortlessly.

mobile apps earthworks software

Mobile Apps

Our mobile applications provide real-world visualization of what you are trying to build and provide feedback on how you are tracking against the plans and schedule. Empower your team in the field by putting information in the palm of their hands. Available on iOS and Android phones and tablets.

Trackwork civil construction software


 A cloud-connected production management system for optimizing earthwork, Trackwork models production and monitors progress in real time to aid in scheduling equipment, supervising operations, and reconciling bid estimates.

Mavic 3 drone for heavy construction tracking

Mavic 3 Drone

The Mavic 3 Enterprise Series brings construction site mapping and mission efficiency to new heights and works seamlessly into AGTEK’s construction workflow.

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