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May 2nd

Beard Equipment

6870 Phillips Highway

Jacksonville, FL 32216

10 - 2 pm



  1. Enrollment is limited, so register early
  2. Lunch is provided
  3. Map and hotel information will be forwarded with registration confirmation

For more information call (800) 441-1140

AGTEK Technology Roadshow

Maintain Control of your Project

Learn how simple it can be to leverage cutting edge technology including drones and mobile apps to make real time decisions and stay in control of your project and improve productivity. 

AGTEK’s technology roadshow takes field crews through flying drones to capture updated as-built topo's, puts mobile apps in your hands to calculate site volumes and shows how to track equipment to measure material movement.

Drone Flight

We show you how easy it can be to fly a drone for earthwork measurement. We walk through the process of planning the flight,   processing the data and getting outputs you can use. 

Machine Tracks

Get an deeper insight into what equipment is doing with simple time and motion analysis. We equip heavy machinery with simple mag. mounted tracking sensor that can provide insight into the performance of each machine. 

Mobile Apps

Download easy to use Smart Apps to your Apple or Android device to visualize drone images, determine balance regions, calculate site volumes and monitor machine movements all from your own phone or tablet.

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