View Mode  (3D View) Keyboard Shortcuts

Restore default viewing parameters.

Move forward/backward/left/right with respect to vehicle

Zoom Overlay Toggle (Spacebar Zoom).  Pauses volume calculation if in progress.

Cancels volume calculation if in progress.

Single steps volume calculation if in progress, spacebar resumes.


Rotates viewer right/left in 45 degree increments.


Increase/decrease viewer elevation.


Increase/decrease elevation magnification.


Increase/decrease overlay scale.

Toggles display of 3D Terrain.

Toggles display of 2D Planview (Overlay).

Compass cycle (Off, Left, Center, Right).

Displays the previously selected guide.

Land/Sky view toggle.

First Person:  view from inside vehicle.

Third Person:  view from 50 feet behind

Left Side:  view from 50 feet to left side.

Right Side:  view from 50 feet to right side.

180 degree reorientation


Displays the Layer Selection dialog.


Applies a hatch fill pattern to entered areas/regions. See Hatch_Regions


Zooms in over the location of the vehicle


Zooms out from the location of the vehicle


Moves the terrain view angle Up


Moves the terrain view angle Down


Moves the terrain view angle Left


Moves the terrain view angle Right


Sends currently displayed view to Print Preview.

Pick on the 3D view to select the desired point.


Initiate volume area input.


Saves the file with the 3D surfaces calculated.


Perform volume calculation, once volume area is defined.


Undoes that last command


Restores the last command undone