

Single Item Selecting

A single item is selected by placing the arrow over the object (line, point. etc.) and pressing the Left button.


Multiple Item Selecting

Multiple objects are selected by picking the first object with the Left Mouse button and the others using the Shift key + Left button combination.


Area Select

Multiple items can be selected by using area select. Press the Left Mouse Button and hold it down while dragging the Area Select Window placing a frame around the items to be selected. Release the Left Button to finish selecting the area. Also see Area Select.


Select by Label

This command selects all objects which have the same label. Select one object with the desired label name.

Press the Label Selection Button or choose Label_Selection from the Edit Menu. All the objects with that label highlight. The keyboard shortcut is Crtl-L.


Select All

This command is located under the Edit menu. Select All highlights all the data currently displayed in the Surface and Layer menus at the top of the screen in the toolbar. The keyboard shortcut is Alt-A.