
Home > Utility Menu-EDIT MODE

EDIT MODE - Utility Menu

The Utility Menu contains commands that change data lines. Gaps in line segments can be closed and segmented lines can be joined together, trimmed, or cropped. Daylight lines can be converted to entered points, line direction changed and annotation lines converted to entered. Click on a command to learn more about it.


Transform_Job    Crop_Rectangle    Contour_Surface   Slope Boundaries   Send_to_Highway    Create_Stringless_Alignment   Auto_Pad    New_Surface  Manage_Surfaces  Image Selection    Manage_Image_Cache   Apply_Survey   Offset_Line  Apply_Template   Bridge_Gap   Swap_Ends  Trim_Line    Fillet_Line    Length/Area_Info    Compress_Selected    Convert_Daylights   Conform_Selected   Enter Stake_List  Manage_Export_Colors  Apply_Structures