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Technology Roadshow - Beard Equipment, Jacksonville Florida, May 2nd 2019

Managing the Connected Workflow

On the May 2nd, 2019, AGTEK Development Company and Beard Equipment hosted contractors in Jacksonville, FL for a hands-on demonstration of how to leverage dirt simple technology for better, faster decision making on construction sites.

Technology Expo at Beard Equipment

Attendees were introduced to flying drones and processing drone data, utilizing mobile apps for enhanced decision making, viewing machine tracks on site and learned about takeoff and GPS machine control model building. Attendees also experienced a range of heavy construction positioning technology from Leica Geosystems with the latest in machine control, self-registering laser scanners and tilt compensated GPS receivers.

Free Lunch!

After a barbeque lunch the attendees divided into small groups where they each had the opportunity to get hands on with the technology and how it applies to day to day problems on site.

Drones at Beard Equipment

The simplicity of the Drone workflow was on full display utilizing the local Florida DOT Reference Network to get RTK corrected images.

The drone data capured on site was quickly processed in AGTEKā€™s - Gradework 4D providing accurate progress updated to the takeoff and machine control model built for the site.

Accomplished AGTEK users had the opportunity to get insights and tips and tricks from the experts who build the product and provided feedback for future enhancements.

The drone based progess data was then available to mobile apps which attendees downloaded to their own devices, to see how fast it can be to start leveraging information to quickly make more informed decisions on site.

Mobile Apps for Heavy Construction Leica & Beard team

The roadshow introduced a range of simple technologies which drive improved decision-information through a connected workflow, helping to get profitable work in the door and maintaining production rates in the field.

Look for another AGTEK technology roadshow in your area and come and say hello.

Construction Scanning AGTEK team