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Dirt Simple Stories


AGTEK Provides Fast, Accurate, Complete Bids You Can Rely On

Winning the next big job can be a time for celebration, or it can keep you up at night worrying about what you missed and why you were the low bidder. Whether you're a contractor working on a lump sum bid or a general contractor managing unit price contracts, understanding the unit quantities for all volumes, lengths, areas, and counts is the cornerstone of winning profitable work and avoiding costly mistakes.

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Complete Bids Graphic

Past Posts

Enhancing Construction Efficiency: AGTEK's Role in Commercial and Industrial Projects

AGTEK's specialized software modules—Gradework, Materials, and Underground—harness advanced technologies and methodologies that cater specifically to commercial and institutional environments' complexities and larger scales. These tools support effective resource management, quality control, and comprehensive reporting, leading to improved project outcomes and increased profitability.

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Enhancing Construction Efficiency Graphic

Insourcing, Outsourcing, or Hybrid? Navigating Your Takeoff Choices

In the ever-adapting digital landscape, the way businesses operate is constantly shifting. The dilemma of whether to outsource or insource is now accompanied by a third, increasingly popular option: the hybrid approach.

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Navigating Takeoff Graphic

Nature Positive and Net-Zero Construction, Part 2

Working together, Heavy Construction companies can dramatically cut industry waste. To do this we need to better leverage the technology and data we have at our disposal. The world is creating more and more data. But this data cannot live in a silo and most of the data captured goes unused today.

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Nature Positive and Net-Zero Construction Graphic

Harness the Power of AI to Optimize Bidding and Win More Jobs with REVEAL

REVEAL, AGTEK’s newest Heavy Construction software solution, works with point clouds collected from drones or laser scanners, automatically classifying and removing unwanted elements from the data.

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Harness the Power of AI Graphic

Nature Positive and Net-Zero Construction, Part 1

Hexagon (AGTEK’s parent company) has a company vision to help the industry achieve Net Zero. Our vision is a future where data is fully and autonomously leveraged so that business, industry, and humanity can sustainably thrive. Essentially, this means minimizing waste along all aspects of the value chain.

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Nature Positive and Net-Zero Construction Graphic

Customer Spotlight - WL Contracting

We recently sat down with William Lorenz of WL Contracting, a heavy civil construction company based out of San Antonio, Texas, to talk about the value that AGTEK products, especially SmartTrack, have brought to his projects.

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Customer Spotlight WL Contracting Graphic

The Blue Collar Narrative Podcast with Matt Desmond

Matt Desmond, President of AGTEK, recently sat down with the Blue Collar Narrative at Apple Podcasts to talk about how AGTEK’s construction estimating software is helping change the construction industry. Here’s an excerpt from Matt on the value AGTEK brings to the market.

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The Blue Collar Narrative  Graphic

Customer Spotlight - D.W. White Construction

AGTEK recently sat down with Manuel Roque of D.W. White Construction, a heavy civil contractor based in Massachusetts that does a mix of private and public work.

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Customer Sportlight  Graphic

Welcome to the AGTEK Community - Your Training Resource

AGTEK’s new Community is your place to find all things AGTEK. Creating the Community was an opportunity for AGTEK to modernize its online training platform and provide a useful one-stop-shop resource for our users.

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AGTEK Community Graphic

Customer Spotlight - RangerACE Construction Camp

In Austin, TX, Ranger Excavating is finding ways to expose the next generation of workers to the construction industry while simultaneously helping a local elementary school.

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RangerACE Cover Image

Customer Spotlight - D & L Sitework, Inc.

In just 2 years the team at D&L Sitework has gone from ‘new user’ to advanced templates, drones, and machine control. Here is their story, and it’s a good one !”

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D & L Sitework Cover Image

Customer Spotlight - Strack, Inc.

Learn how Strack, Inc. uses AGTEK on a daily basis when processing a dozen bids per week, and how they structure themselves to manage these workflows.

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Strack Cover Image

Customer Spotlight - Western Earthmoving

WEM says they use AGTEK, "because it is easy and we can generate extremely accurate quantities in a very little amount of time, based on any information we are provided."

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Western Earthmoving Project

Customer Spotlight - CECG, Inc. - Integrated Gradework, Highway, Materials, & Underground

Learn how CECG, Inc. transitioned to the new integrated Gradework, Highway, Materials, & Underground and what efficiencies they are now seeing.

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AGTEK Materials Takeoff in GoogleEarth

Customer Spotlight - Taylor's Excavators

Taylor's Excavators does commercial and residential work in Washington state. Learn how Brad Mills uses AGTEK to build their GPS models and run progress volumes from drone data.

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Taylor's Excavators Remington Ranch project

Crisp & Crisp: AGTEK - Easy to Adopt

Greg Burchfield of Crisp & Crisp started using AGTEK a few months ago. See what his training experience was like and what features he uses most for takeoff, modeling and field readiness.

Read more here.

Crisp & Crisp finished project

10 Reasons to Use Drones on Earthwork Projects

Drone data can help dirt contractors with everything from estimating demolition quantities to project as-builts.

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Drone on the jobsite

AGTEK - Easy to Use, Easy to Adopt, Easy to Stay in Control

AGTEK ensures you get the most out of your technology with streamlined implementations, competency-based training programs, and world class support to keep you working efficiently and effectively through every phase of your project.

Read more here.

Sitework Takeoff 3D View

Removing Complexity from Highway and Infrastructure Construction

Building a road provides many challenges, but it all starts with winning the bid. AGTEK's Highway is an an integrated solution that helps contractors win more work and complete projects on time and on budget.

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Highway Takeoff in Google Earth with PDFs

Underground - Revealing What Lies Beneath

AGTEK's new integrated Underground package lets you combine your earthwork takeoff with you pipe inverts to quickly analyze excavation quantities by strata, quantify pipe lengths and structures by depth bracket, and calculate bedding, cover, backfill, and spoils.

Read more here.

Materials and Underground Takeoff